Additive Manufacturing processes are already being used successfully in wide-ranging areas such as the automotive industry, mechanical and plant engineering and medical technology. Due to high flexibility, targeted variation of the machine parameters and the often contactless production, there is a considerable added value compared to conventional processes. A decisive factor in the process chain of additive manufacturing is the design. Components can be newly or differently designed and optimised, for example, with regard to their topology. For an evaluation of suitability, potentials and requirements must be specified, geometries must be designed and components must be simulated and validated. In addition, a close link between internal company processes and business models and design is necessary.
Specifications, potentials and solutions
Contributions to specifications on components and processes, methods for assessing the suitability of components and the application of additive manufacturing as well as finding solutions for concepts and design.
Design and Optimization
Contributions to the development and design of components, their design to ensure functional requirements and manufacturability as well as methods and tools for optimization components.
Simulation, validation and quality assurance
Contributions to approaches for the computer-aided and physical validation of components, the testing of components and material as well as measures to ensure quality aspects.
Process chain and business models
Contributions to their integration of additive manufacturing processes into existing processes, measures to increase value creation and the creation of new business models.
Informal abstracts of max. 150 words can be submitted by email to AM@ipeg.uni-hannover.de until 18 May 2021.
Papers of accepted abstracts will be published in an ISBN numbered book by Springer Vieweg.
Timeline and Submission Dates
Abstract Deadline: | 18.05.2021 |
Acceptance Notification: | 27.05.2021 |
Paper Submission Deadline: | 30.06.2021 |
Paper Review: | 30.07.2021 |
Final Paper Submission / Registration | 03.09.2021 |
Workshop: | 14.09.2021 |