Institute of Product Development News and events News
M. Sc. Tobias Glück new Doktor at IPeG!


M. Sc. Tobias Glück new Doktor at IPeG!

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Our research assistant Tobias Glück successfully completed his doctorate at the IPeG with the grade "very good".

We congratulate Tobias on passing his doctoral examination!

In his dissertation on "Physiological studies on the contribution of contact-analogue road projections to road safety", the influence of headlight-based road projections in traffic areas was investigated. He was able to show which symbols, colours and contrasts ensure that the projections are easily recognisable. In addition, Tobias Glück dealt with the distraction potential of these road projections in the journal publication "Distraction Potential of Vehicle-Based On-Road Projection" (DOI: 10.3390/app112412030) .

We are very pleased about Mr Glück's outstanding and long-standing work and wish him all the best for his future career!